Tuesday, November 9, 2021

What's New in Oracle APEX 21.2

 1. Smart Filters : Smart Filters is a new search component that allows users to quickly narrow data down with filters suggestions or search items. In Smart Filters include -Powerful Search Bar, Search Suggestions, Suggestion Chips.

2.Progressive Web Apps : APEX apps can easily be defined as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to take advantage of advanced caching and improved performance. These apps can also be installed on  smartphone of choice with device-specific installation instructions. Progressive Web Apps Include-
App Performance, Apex Application Instable, Custom Offline Page.

3. Universal Theme & UI Updates : The updated Reference App now provides live Template Option previews, documented CSS variables, and a new Theme Version menu in the header to quickly jump to Reference Apps for previous versions of the Universal Theme. New updates are- Greater Flexibility in Page Layouts, Model Dialog Drawers, Accessibility Improvements, Faster Page Rendering.

4. New & Updated Components :
    1.Faceted Search Enhancements : Multi-Value Facets, Additional UI Controls, 
        Accessibility Improvements.

    2. Update Alert and Confirm Dialogs : Customizable Dialogs, Support for Template Directives, Button Confirmation.

5.Geocoding and Map Items : Geocoding your addresses has never been easier, and you can even display a map as a page item . The best part is that you don't need an API key.

6.REST Catalogs and Improvements : 
    1. Search Catalogs Across Apps.
    2. Easy Export and Import.
    3.URL-based Updating.
    4. Pagination Support for REST Services.

7. Improved Report Downloads, Subscriptions, and Printing :
    1. Images in Report Downloads.
    2. Download Dialog Improvements.
    3.Interactive Report Subscriptions.

8. Developer Experience :
    1.Improved Editors :Static File Editor, Improved Breadcrumb Editor, Run Larger SQL in SQL Commands (SQL Commands now supports  more than 32k characters).

9. Email and Email Template Enhancements :
    1. Email Support in Automations.
    2.Copy Email Templates.
    3. Inline Email Attachments.

10. Additional Features :
    1.Data Packager.
    2. Popup LOV Set Display Value.
    3. New Date Picker 'Show-On' attribute.
    4. New Modal Dialog Event.
    5.Copyright Banner in App Exports.
    6.New PL/SQL APIs.
    7. New JavaScript APIs.
    8.Build Apex Apps in 21 additional Language.
    9. JavaScript Library Upgrades.

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