Thursday, May 14, 2020

Delete Specific Row From Interactive Grid In Oracle Apex

1. Create a New Report Column =>>Type=>>Link
     Target  ======>>  javascript:void(null);
     Link Text ====>>  <span class="t-Icon fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    Link Attribute =>>  id='&DEDUCTION_ID.' class="delete t-Button t-Button--danger t-Button--simple                                     t-Button--small" title="Delete Allowance : &DEDUCTION."

2. Create New Item In Report Region :
    Create Dynamic Action : Event ==>> Click ; Selection Type ==>> jQuery Selector;
                                            jQuery Selector ==>> a.delete

   Create True Action: Confirm;
   Create True Action: Set Value ==>> Set Type ==>> JavaScript Expression
                                                              JavaScript Expression ==>>
   Create True Action: Execute PL/SQL Code 
            PL/SQL Code: UPDATE DEDUCTION_SETUP SET STATUS=0  WHERE                                                         DEDUCTION_ID=:P43_DEDUCTION_ID AND BRANCH_CODE=:BRANCH_CODE;
   Create True Action : Refresh Report Region.

1 comment:

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