Friday, July 10, 2020

Custom Authentication In Oracle Apex

Custom Authentication Function :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CUSTOM_AUTH (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS l_password VARCHAR2 (4000); l_stored_password VARCHAR2 (4000); l_expires_on DATE; l_count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT (*) INTO l_count FROM USER_INFORMATION WHERE UPPER (LOGIN_NAME) = UPPER (p_username); IF l_count != 0 THEN SELECT pwd INTO l_stored_password FROM USER_INFORMATION WHERE UPPER (LOGIN_NAME) = UPPER (p_username); l_password := f_Password (UPPER (p_username), p_password); IF l_password = l_stored_password THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END IF; END;

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Creating Automated Database Backup

Automated Backups Creating in Oracle Apex

Oracle Apex 20.1 Introduce new feature Automated Backup and these Backups are performed as part of daily maintenance. The only application that have been created & modified will be backed up. To create an Automated Backup in Oracle Apex, Follow these step :

1.Go to  Oracle Apex Application, then click---Utilities =>Manage Backup.
2. Then click on the Create button to create an automatic backup for  current application.
3.After that click Backup button.

It will create initial backup of our Oracle Apex Application. If we make any changes in our application than it will create automated backup end of the day. This backup process will run every day and create automated backup of our oracle apex application.

Custom Template Create In Oracle Apex

Add This Code in Template Body:

<div style="text-align:center;color:green"><marquee onMouseOver="this.stop()" onMouseOut="this.start()">Developed By Oracle Apex & Database</marquee></div>

Add This Code in Global Page For Background Image :

#t_PageBody{background:url(#APP_IMAGES#kindajean.png); background-repeat: repeat;}

Image File store outside of Oracle Database and show image into Apex Application

Directory Create : grant execute on utl_file to HRMS; CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY STOCK_DIRECTORY AS 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Sof...